Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Food, Garden, and a few other things

This is a morning glory plant that has taken over and has climbed up the house, completely covering my star above the Fresh Herbs sign. Very large plant, very few blooms???

Bandit is as cute and sweet as ever, but not so much when we leave him - he wasn't a very good doggy when Kari and Lance kept the dogs when we went out of town for the Tech game. He just freaks with any change in his regular schedule.

He is very playful.

Dave has been putting down new mulch. What a difference it makes.

These Cleome are doing great.

Our garden has about had it.

The new pond is doing great.

These are probably our last veggies.

I like making hamburger rolls, they are so much better than the store bought ones and easy to make. You just put every thing in the bread machine, select the dough cycle, then remove and shape into desired size, let rise, bake and you have these:

Delish and easy!

This turned out really good - asian chicken in peanut sauce (I left out the peanuts).

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