Sunday, June 12, 2011

I made this little flower to match the dress I made a few weeks ago.
Looks cute on the knit hat I made.
Goes pretty well...
I am a magazine addict - can you tell.  The yellow corn on the cob on the Woman's Day is a cake.  How cute is that?  I may make this when the twins are here.
I made the best dinner last night.  Dave and I both really liked it.
I used pork chops instead of chicken.  It was storming really bad so I cooked them inside.
Cucumber Sambal.
Peanutty noodles.
A new wine.  It was good.
Dave picked blackberries today.
Veggies are coming along.
This is one of the first plums we have gotten from our plum tree.  It was very sweet and yummy.
The blackberries are sweet and yummy also.
I didn't make dinner tonight, we went to brunch with some friends after church.  So I thought I would make us dessert.
I didn't have the elderberry liquer so I substitued with juice.
I have had this tart pan for a long time but had never used it until today.
Making a pie crust is something I am not very good at.  I should have bought one but I gave it a try.  It was ok, but not the best. But the filling made up for that.
Parchment paper over the crust.
Recipe called for beans to place on the crust but I didn't have any so I used rice.  Worked ok, the crust stayed flat.
Fresh out of the oven.
Made the filling and topped with the berry mixture.  It got a A plus. 
Found this book at TJ Max for $3.
I found this cookie jar.  Now I need to fill it up.  I think I will fill it with sugar cookies for Amy and her family who will be here June 23 -  can't wait.

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