Monday, June 02, 2008

Spring = Birds

I asked Dave to fill the hummingbird feeders last week, I didn't realize he was going to fill so many - 9 total! We are waiting to see the hummers. I have seen them on some of the flowers in the yard, but not at our feeders.Number 1 - in the front yard.

Number 2 in the front yard.

Number 3 in the back.

Number 4.

Number 5, this is a Coke bottle.

Number 6.

Number 7.

Number 8.

Number 9.

Sorry, a duplicate.
Another duplicate.

We were sitting on the front porch one evening and noticed a very pretty Mallard fly into our neighbor's yard. That's him just to the left of the green post.

He wandered over to this green post and we noticed this duck just sitting there - we hadn't noticed her before.
She got up and started following him.

They just wandered over to our neighbor's yard.

Not sure why they were there or what they were doing, but they were very cute.

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