Saturday, September 05, 2009

Outside our home

We are enjoying some cooler weather this week.  I love to sit on the front porch in the late afternoon and look at the flowers and watch the hummingbirds.  This butterfly bush is huge!  I have trimmed it twice this this summer.  Bandit likes it on the porch too.I started this sweater for my little guy.  The back is almost finished.Dave is always busy - he can't sit still for long.Dave is adding lattice around the pool deck.Everything in the yard is looking a little rough, except for my herb garden.  It looks great.  Herbs do well in the 100 degree heat.

We have had a lot of hummingbird activity this year.  They are every where - they really like the new feeder we hung on the front porch.

1 comment:

lcd1021 said...

SO CUTE!!! You are so talented!