Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Grandkids Day!

We had Meighan and Alex today - so never a dull moment. They spent the night last night and for some reason Meighan kept waking up so I slept most of the night in the room with them. They both woke up in good moods so Dave and I packed them up to go visit Dave's new grandaughter - Samara Elizabeth was born yesterday and Dave was there but I had to attend a class for work so I didn't get to be there. The twins were fascinated and I got to hold her. Sooo cute and Monica looks great and will be going home on Friday. There were a lot of people in the room so we didin't stay long. Can't wait to see them again when they get home. It was a fun day and the twins were cute as usual. We won't be keeping them next week - we will be in Chicago. I will really miss them.

The twins enjoying their bath - they love the water.

Brian - proud daddy with Samara.

Grandpa and Meighan at the hospital.

Grandpa and Alex after naptime - Meighan is still sleeping

Alex - our little man.

Baby afghan for Samara.
This is a fun pattern from"Precious Layettes to Knit". Yarn is rose and white TLC Baby Amore.

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