Saturday, December 22, 2007


I am not sure if I have mentioned this before, but here is the latest. Amy works for Wachovia Securities. A job she started last spring. Shortly after she started working there an announcement was made that there was some kind of merge and Wachovia was moving to St. Louis!!. Amy didn't give it much thought then because she knew she didn't want to move. Well, Amy got a promotion - her boss really likes her and really wants her to stay with the company and move to St. Louis. Amy went to St. Louis two weeks ago for a few days and was back this week for two days. She and Paul will probably go out for a visit sometime in January to get a feel for things. This is not easy for me because I can't imagine my daughter and grand babies being so far away. But we will see, if they make Amy an offer that she can't refuse it just may happen. I won't worry too much yet. Ultimately I know she will make the right decision for her family. I think it takes about 13 hours to drive to St. Louis, but there is a direct flight from Richmond every day for about $120 one way. I will keep everyone posted.

Anyway, we kept the kids one night while she was away to give Daddy a break. We went to Stony Point Shopping Center where it snows every night at 7:00. There is an ice skating rink also and a lot of people were out to enjoy the snow since we have not had snow here in quite a while. It was really pretty and the kids had a ball.

I'm not sure exactly what they were thinking but they were running around like crazy and having a blast.

It was very cold too, down in the 20's that night.

It kept Dave and me on our toes trying to keep up with them.

I was trying to get a picture of both of them in front of this tree, but that didn't happen.

This mall encourages doggy visitors too.

This guy really had some fancy garb on - not what you would picture this big guy walking.

As soon as we got home it was bath time. One of Meg's teacher's braids her hair, so it was a little wild when I took the braids out.

Little ringlets!! Meg tinkled in the potty twice, once before her bath and once after. Yeh!! It is the first time she has done this for us.

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