Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fall Garden

Fall is showing up all around us in the yard. Leaves are falling - Dave will have to put the net over the pond soon. There are more acorns in the yard than you can imagine - just ask Dave, he spends hours on his knees picking up acorns so he can cut the grass.

The last few tomatoes from the garden.

The asparagus was beautiful with huge, airy foliage, just hope we have some to eat next year.

We planted a few fall vegies: collards and brocolli.

My favorite herb - rosemary. This is a sign that is painted on screen.

Dave built this platform under our table, which eliminates a lot of mess from being directly on the ground.

My tobacco basket has seen its better days.

Another sign painted on screen.

Can you believe it? We have strawberries - very sweet.

We use to have this little stone fishing boy at the lake. It has been at the shed, I think it looks great by our little pond.

Time to rest Dave - he works so hard on our yard.

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