Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Enjoying Summer

This was a good book.  Amy liked it but due to some of the violence in it she didn't think I would care for it.  It definitely grabs you and I wanted to read it - something about that cover...I just scanned over the violent sections which weren't many.  Only paid $1 for it at a thrift store in Florida.
I am currently reading this and love it.  It is a commitment being 600 plus pages.  But I don't want to put it down!!
The rest of these are on my to read list...
One of my favorite authors of late.  Amy tells me she has a new one out - "The Peach Keeper". 
This is on my Nook and I try to read one chapter at least weekly.
This was given a very high rating on "Books on the Nightstand" - can't wait to read it.
I am trying to get back to sewing.  I love sewing but I just have to be in the mood.
I am making this pillow case dress for Meighan.  It is different than the others I have made.  Instead of using ribbon for the ties you make the tie from the material, which I think is more practical.
I love the colors - brown and blue.
I made these crochet motifs a while ago, finally getting around to blocking them, then will need to sew them together, which is not my favorite part of knitting/crocheting.  The colors are lovely.

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