Saturday, July 03, 2010

Picking up the twins

This isn't the picture I was going to start off with but the big news is Samantha got a belly button ring!!Loved the color of the stone.Dinner was served on the ironing board for the kids.  Leaving was a little traumatic the next day - Meg wants to go but hates leaving Mommy and Daddy.Sami was a big help.We stopped at Tamarack and had ice cream.Once we got home, Meg got into her makeup.  Emmy came over and had these spider nails on.Yeek!The pool was in rough shape.  It took a lot of cleaning before the kids could get in.Alex took this pic of himself.We had fun in the pool, but the water was very cool.
We are hoping for warmer temperatures tomorrow!!  We still had fun!  Thanks Emerson for all of your help.  The kids love her.

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