Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Trying to learn how to sew

The original sewing machine we bought Emmy did not work, the stitching was horrible and I couldn't do a thing with it.  So we took it back and ordered another one.....this one.  Emmy came over on Sunday and we had our first sewing lesson.  Things went well for a while.  But for some reason the thread starting breaking.  I tried everything but nothing worked.
She did learn a few things about basic sewing.

She learned to sew buttons on....and played around with all the different stitches..

and made a pillow, in her favorite color of course.

Pretty darn good for a first project.  This kid amazes me.  I just don't want her to get discouraged and I don't think she will, she seems to go with the flow -

So we packed this machine back up so we could return it and order another one.

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