Sunday, June 03, 2007

Garden Update

Dave built this pergola in just a few days ( he amazes me, so very talened). It cost about a $100 and a lot of Dave's sweat, but he did a great job and we are very pleased with it. We recently saw a pergola in a catalog that was $1000! This isn't a very good picture but it will look better with some lumination and decoration with plants. We moved the grill here since this side of the yard is right off of our kitchen. A lot of meals will be eaten here.
Have I said what a great husband I have? Well I do. When I got home from work one day last week, this beauty was waiting for me. I have want a wicker lounge to add to our wicker set for a while - and there it was. I immediately reclined and I got this:
My favorite cocktail- Apple Martini, which Dave has perfected. Better than any I have had at any bar, restaurant, etc.

Dave under the pergola, painting it.

Our garden is doing great - this is the sugar snap peas climbing up like crazy, in the back, our corn about 2 inches high.
These are brussel sprouts. I have never had much luck with these, one of my favorite veggies. So far they are looking very good.

This section has cucumbers, melon, green beans, okra and rhubarb.

This is our rose garden - Dave loves roses, they are his favorite. We have never had much luck with them but we won't give up. The latest one we bought was a beautiful peachy-yellow color and was named "Princess Diana". I love the titles they give to roses - there is a deep velvety red one called "Mr. Lincoln".
Another type of rose - climbing roses. We have two of them and their blooms were absolutely gorgeous this year. These are light pink, I took the picture a little too late, a lot of the petals have already fallen.

This is the climbing rose in the front yard.

This is my favorite, one of many - hydrangea - the first bloom of the season. The bushes are looking real good but not many blooms yet - I keep hoping.

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