Sunday, June 14, 2009

Good Weekend

I didn't get a lot done this weekend. I started reading a new book, "Jesus Land" and I couldn't put it down! - a book from Amy of course.
We made a trip to the Flea Market. Dave got some baseball cards and I found an old Singer Sewing Machine - that works. Dave put it in my Singer Sewing Cabinet. The man I bought it from said it was his Grandmother's machine.

My plan was to get some sewing done. I had this material for a "pillow case dress". I didn't get it cut out, but I did get the squares cut for Alex's quilt.

The eggs we found in one of our fern plants on the front porch hatched - 2 little birds. We sit on the opposite end of the porch and we can watch mama and papa taking care of their babies - too cute.

I did try two new recipes this weekend: homemade pizza - very good! Dave's half is on the left with lots of sausage. Plus Sticky Chicken in the crockpot. We really liked the flavor of this chicken. It was chicken legs and they were yummy.

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