Tuesday, March 03, 2009


I have a lot of projects I am working on - I am trying to get things finished before moving on to something else.Little Rosebud hat for Meighan, another pattern from "Itty Bitty Baby Hats"

Our church makes baby hats for Southside Regional Hospital in Petersburg. The first time we visited the church I noticed a big basket full of crochet baby hats in the church library. I have met several of the ladies that make these hats - one is a elementary school teacher and the other is a nurse and teaches at the nursing school at Southside Regional. It only takes about an hour to make one of these hats.

I have been experimenting with little embellishments to add to the hats. The one on the top right is a little cupcake with a cherry on top. I need to make some boy hats soon.

I made these little snowbuddy hats for Meg and Alex - very appropriate for all the snow they get in St. Louis.

Packed up and ready to go!

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