Friday, March 13, 2009

Yeah! Snow!

The weekend that we were at Kari and Lance's, staying with the kids while they were on a trip to Vegas, I came home on Sunday because I had to go to work on Monday morning. There was a forecast for inclement weather but around here we have not had a snow storm in along time and the bad weather is usually all around us, but we got it this time; I think we got about 8 to 10 inches and there was a halt in everything. My company was closed - a first for me. The schools were closed, so Dave was snowed in with the Grandkids and I was home - alone. I got a lot done. I made a pot of spaghetti soup and home made bread, which I enjoyed and Dave had it for dinner the next night. I got a few pictures - it was very pretty with the snow falling in the evening, a few flurries in the morning and the temperature was below freezing all day, so everything was at a stand still... things were better Tuesday morning, the schools were closed and my company was on delayed opening but we all got there around 10:00 am.

That's a Cardinal at the bird feeder.

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